Category Archives: Be Well

I fight with several chronic issues that I sometimes discuss at length .. fibromyalgia, headaches, arthritis – you get the idea. I am living “AS WELL AS POSSIBLE” with *nods to


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I am half again, half hope. - Jane Austen

On this day, I am hopeful for our future. I am hopeful that I can continue to have the strength and courage to have hard discussions with those I can’t entirely agree with. I am hopeful that this country will begin to heal. I am hopeful that common sense and facts prevail. I am hopeful that those who continue to… Read more »

Pain in the …

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what doesn't kill you

I want to tell you that living with chronic illness my entire life has given me a grand insight into life and suffering. It hasn’t. I am not a guru; I can’t make my pain go away through positive thoughts. I can’t rely on modern medicine to always come through for me. Some medications don’t work for me; some cause… Read more »

Silence is Deafening

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be the person

I can certainly understand the fear of speaking out that comes with traumatic events at the hands of people who seem to have some “control” in your life. We all have happened to us, to our loved ones, and we continue to sit on these secrets. Sometimes, we spend so much energy trying to be safe and quiet, and the… Read more »


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Therapy and dealing with your past and making your mental health a priority is so much harder than pushing it down deep and trying to block it out. It is like having a full-time job where all you do is try to NOT think about it. “It’s in the past, you can’t change it, you can’t fix it.” It’s nonsense…. Read more »


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A couple of times a year, I have the same nightmare. The details vary, where I am, who is with me and such – but the central theme is always the same. I NEED TO CALL MAMMA. I look for my phone, or I realize I’ve not spoken to her in a while. The worst is when I can’t remember… Read more »

Unlocking and Unblocking

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Whenever we block memories and events from our childhood, we tend to assume the block will remain. The thing about the brain is that it can do some weird shit. One day you will remember nothing about a year or two in your life, and the next – sadness, anxiety and open the door to invite all of the other… Read more »

Pain Dictates

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El dolor dicta – the pain dictates Sadly, it has become my mantra over the years. I spent so many years fighting with my body. I pushed through desperately, trying to ignore the pain. The doctor that diagnosed my Fibromyalgia gave me some advice. “This isn’t a death sentence. It will not kill you, but some days you may wish… Read more »

Mental Health

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It is an incredibly strange time for most of the world’s population to be alive. For me and others that fight for our mental health wellness every second of every day – this is just Wednesday. I am trying to remember that this “new normal” is scary for everyone, but especially so for the people that don’t think 27 moves… Read more »

Growth Is Never Easy

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Like a chick fighting to break free of the egg, a seedling breaking through the earth – growth is never easy, and sometimes it is downright ugly, but it is the only healthy option for anything. You can’t sit on what was, you can’t plan for what will be, but you can learn from the past and put those lessons… Read more »

I Might Be High

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Off and on over the years, I have partaken in the Devil’s Lettuce. It was always an option in most parts of life around me if only I’d ask. As a kid, the first movie I remember seeing in a theater – was a drive-in showing of UP IN SMOKE. Did I get all of the humor? No. But to… Read more »