What is your diagnosis?
I have Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc Disease, and Complex-PTSD. Fibro & CPTSD illnesses have a myriad of symptoms. It makes treatment and diagnosis difficult. My symptoms can change daily.

How long have you been blogging?
I was keeping a journal online in 1996 in both long and short forms. I started with just a website on Geocities and Xanga, then hosted my blog using GreyMatter and WordPress.

How long have you been using cannabis? / Why do you use cannabis?
I’ve been using cannabis medicinally since 2015, that is when I got my medical marijuana card 2015. When I was younger I used cannabis enough that I had my own Protopipe, but it wasn’t daily and after Michael and I were married I stopped. He was in the US Navy and there was just too much at stake. I use cannabis as medicine because I have zero negative side-effects. It helps so much more than OTC or prescription pain meds. I have found over the years that it helps with just about everything my illnesses throw at me. I keep a cannabis journal where I take notes of what products have helped. As with any medicine, sometimes you have to try a few different meds, titrate doses, and keep track of side effects.

What advice do you have for me?
I try not to give advice. You know your body, and you have to know what is best for you. I may recommend sometimes or review something – but only ever based on my experiences. But I will pass along some good advice that was given to me once. – Never take anything for granted, and treat yourself with the love and compassion you give others. –

When were you diagnosed?
After decades of enduring my illness, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2004. Over my lifetime, I had seen so many doctors that I lost count. Diagnoses from “probably Cancer” to “stop being lazy and get off the couch.” Finally, I had a GP that told me she knew SOMETHING was going on but had no idea what it was and sent me to a specialist. There is no test for fibromyalgia, but simple guidelines help doctors figure out what is going on and how to help treat it. I was also diagnosed with Complex-PTSD in 2017.

What prompted you to open yourself up to the world by writing your story?
I got tired of holding it in. Pushing down all of the pain and suffering and pretending nothing was wrong wasn’t working for me. I finally decided that holding it all back was just too much. I have been journaling all of my life, both on and offline. But, while publishing, I was never 100% honest about what was going on with me. It has been helping me by just letting it out into the ether.

How often do you post?
I try to post at least 2x a week, but it is random.

How long have you been traveling in an RV?
Michael and I have lived and traveled full-time in an RV since September 2007. We tried to back to stationary “sticks & bricks” life in 2012 and 2023. Both attempts lasted just over a year each.

Why “Chronically-Illogical”?
There is nothing logical about chronic illness.