When I walk out into the world, I take no thoughts with me. That’s not easy, but you can learn to do it. An empty mind is hungry so that you can look at everything longer and closer. Don’t hum! When you listen with empty ears, you hear more. And this is the core of the secret: Attention is the… Read more »
There is this path we all think about walking down towards our future. There is this path that we already walked on. That’s all I can think about, this path, this road that is one perfect straight line even if it goes around the world through heat and fog and rain and snow and it’s my life. I keep thinking…. Read more »
live with intention walk to the edge listen hard practice wellness play with abandon laugh choose with no regret continue to learn appreciate your friends do what you love live as if this is all there is – Mary Anne Radmacher
When you can forgive both another and yourself you move from the law of karma (action and reaction) into the law of grace (resolution) – that effulgent state that transmutes and heals. – W Brugh Joy
To learn to respect and reverence for the process is what counts, we each take our own roads, but it is what one discovers along that road that’s important, and how one is changed by those discoveries. – Judith Guest
Sooner or later a choice will have to be made: to continue on a willful path in which one tries to secure autonomy and self-determination, or to embark on a spiritual path in which one seeks ever-greater willingness to become part of the fundamental processes of life in self-surrender. – Gerald May
Daily silence experienced in humility and fervor as an indispensable exercise in spiritual nourishment gradually creates within is a permanent state of stillness. The soul discovers in such silence. The soul discovers in such a silence unsuspected possibilities. It realizes that life can be lived at different levels. – Pierre Laconte
Our society has become a conspiracy against joy. It has put too much emphasis on the individuating part of our consciousness —individual reason— and too little emphasis on the bounding parts of our consciousness, the heart, and soul. – David Brooks
I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Every day you’re alive is unearned. Every day you exist on Earth is a fucking miracle. Your parents made you and raised you (or didn’t) without your permission. But now you’re here. You’ll be dead soon. But you’re not dead yet. That truly won’t last forever. Every time you drive down the… Read more »
What if this road, that has no held surprises these many years, decided not to go home after all; what if it could turn left or right with no more ado than a kite-tail? What if its tarry skin were like a long, supple bolt of cloth, that is shaken and rolled out, and takes a new shape from the… Read more »